dinengdeng, glorious dinengdeng!

I'm a typical Ilokano who can't live without dinengdeng, come share my passion...


nateng manen: nothing but nateng Ilokano veggie staples (7)

Nothing but nateng, yeah, here are more various vegetables in various preparation and presentation in their most delicious form: dinengdeng/inabraw and pinakbet's and other sumptuous Ilokano mix.:::::For more Ilokano vegetable dishes, you can follow Ilokano Food page on Facebook and enjoy more sumptuous photos of dinengdeng and other vegetable dishes plus more veggies! Follow...


nothing but nateng & other Ilokano vegetable dishes (6)

It's February 2021 and to continue on our series of nothing but nateng, here are more various vegetables in various preparation and presentation in their dinengdeng/inabraw and pinakbet's and other dishes in its most delicious form::::::For more Ilokano meat dishes, you can follow Ilokano Food page on Facebook and enjoy more sumptuous photos of dinengdeng and other vegetable dishes plus more...