dinengdeng, glorious dinengdeng!

I'm a typical Ilokano who can't live without dinengdeng, come share my passion...


yet another buridibod, with marunggay pods, shucked clam meat and grilled malaga (repost)

I'm so in love with buridibud (buribod, baradibud; vegetables and root crop stew) that I always cook/consume this authentic Ilokano dish--as often as when I came upon any available ingredients in my regular forays in the veggie/wet local markets. Especially when it's alukon season, I always make a buridibod with alukon flowerettes and other greens like marunggay leaves and pechay (especially the small murumor ones, pechay sowed and grown like seedlings;...

idiay tiendaan, palengke, talipapa, public market: pannakitienda/pannakiplasa/pannakidapon series (repost)

I'm always fascinated with markets, local or "wet" market in the poblacion. When I was a little child I always see to it that my mother or my father will have me tagging along when they go to the market every Sunday or on market days like Wednesdays and Thursdays and Friday, to buy basic stuff and food, usually with some meat, fish or other something pricey and "special" for the day's lunch. It would be a reward for say, having pulled out a considerable...