

laklako iti ig-igid, public markets/roadside vendors (5)

More market and "marketing" escapades, to continue our series on tiendaan/palengke/merkado/talipapa (local or public markets)...

Just a sort of trivia: do you know that here in Cagayan, most particularly in Tuguegarao City, the local or municipal public markets are called "plaza" by the folks? If you hear someone say "intayo maki-plaza" or "innak 'diay plaza" ("let's/I'll go [to the] plaza"), he/she means going to the public market and not to a certain park or town center which is usually called the plaza by the locals (in Nueva Vizcaya, we also call as plaza the multi-purpose concrete pavement at the center of the barrio or purok used as a basketball court, dancing hall during fiestas, palay-drying area, etc. But in Cagayan, the markets or palengkes are called "plaza" and when you go "makitienda" say "maki-plaza" instead. I was thinking then that perhaps folks here are used going to Farmer's Plaza in Cubao, or in Harrison Plaza in Pasay. To this effect, the spacious "Mall of the Valley" (actually not a mall [well, those useless escalators does not make a so-called "mall", and not even a SaveMore or CD-R King as occupants in a basement make it either] but a ridiculously "extra large" local/public market) in Tuguegarao City should be named "Plaza of the Valley" or simply "Tuguegarao Plaza" instead. Ahem, I'm digressing, sorry.

Mall and malling aside, I love the sidewalks and roadside talipapas more, here are more of it:

Sayote, daludal/sagibsib ti aba, bulong-paria.
Public market, Gonzaga, Cagayan

Various fishes.
Roadside, Currimao, Ilocos Norte.

Ubog ti way ken anibong.
Public market, Gonzaga, Cagayan.

Public market, Sanchez Mira, Cagayan.

Various fishes.
Talipapa along the highway, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.

Tinuno a pusit ken dumadara.
Along the highway, Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte.

Dalag (attasi) ken tilapia.
Roadside, Ballesteros, Cagayan.

Kulot/ur-urmot ken aragan.
Public market, Gonzaga, Cagayan.

Fish, squid.
Municipal Fist Port, Sta. Teresita, Cagayan.

Kalunay, pako, utong, sili, suso (river snails), patani, rangaw-paria.
Public market, Gonzaga, Cagayan.
