

natnateng, pinakbet, dinengdeng: ilokano life is veggie life (2)

Here are more various vegetables in various preparation and presentation in their dinengdeng/inabraw and pinakbet's most delicious form: 

For more Ilokano meat dishes, you can follow Ilokano Food page on Facebook and enjoy more sumptuous photos of dinengdeng and other vegetable dishes plus more veggies

Follow also Ilokano Food @ Instagram and subscribe to Ilokano Food YoutTube channel for more photos, videos, and stories about Ilokano food, cooking, cuisine, and culture.


More dinengdengs:


natnateng, dinengdeng, inabraw: ilokano life is life is vegetable (1)

Most Ilokanos "can't live without" and therefore literally lives on vegetables or anything that's edible in the plant kingdom and exclusively cooked or served and eaten with bugguong. Though of course meat lovers, they still prefer their meat dishes paired with a vegetable dish or two especially when the meat is fatty (like pork). Veggies serve as an appetizer as well as a neutralizer of sort to "balance" intake of "sinful" food, i.e. fatty and red meat.

And here are various vegetables in various preparation and presentation in their dinengdeng/inabraw form:

Sarabat (large ferns) a napakbet iti salamagi ken kamatis.

For more Ilokano meat dishes, you can follow Ilokano Food page on Facebook and enjoy more sumptuous photos of dinengdeng and other vegetable dishes plus more veggies

Follow also Ilokano Food @ Instagram and subscribe to Ilokano Food YoutTube channel for more photos, videos, and stories about Ilokano food, cooking, cuisine, and culture.


More dinengdengs: