

papait salad ken dinengdeng

Pait time, again, and this time, let’s enjoy probably the bitterest, the kapapaitan, of them all: papait itself (mollugo oppositifolia; malagoso or sarsalida in Tagalog; it has a name in English, too, it’s slender carpetweed).

I usually just blanch papait and turn it into a salad with KBL (kamatis, bugguong, lasona) to serve as an appetizer or a side dish to meat (especially adobo) dishes (though, for me, I can live with papait salad as a sole viand to my steamed rice):

But of course, as a vegetable, papait is also good for dinengdeng, best with legumes like balatong, kardis, and patani here:


More papait certified delicious dishes:


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