

what's cooking: ilokano cooks are the best

Ilokanos, the lowly folks, can cook, and cook extraordinary dishes right in their backyards in simple makeshift stoves and with only firewood. Especially in some festive occasions where large amount of food are to be prepared, the Ilokanos are experts, they can make the most palatable and even most presentable dishes, out of even the most crude or most unconventional way, the "cowboy" way.

This one here, you can see there an open pot with duck meat being simmered to tenderize it, to be seasoned soon enough to turn it into an adobo a pato. The big pot has boiling water with which to cook the rice (pre-soaked in water for it to expand) soon, as the photo series shows. Cooking rice in a big pot entails a lot of cooking skills and precision so as to make it perfectly boiled/steamed. Not many can cook rice this way as it's kind of hard to calculate water:rice ratio, and even the amount of fire is carefully moderated, to avoid a raw innapuy, or worse a burnt innapuy. This was in Abariongan Ruar, Sto NiƱo, Cagayan.

This here is Manong Cook grilling goat meat and liver (for a delicious kilawen a kalding) in a scrap galvanized iron atop a makeshift stove made from concrete hollow blocks. Location: Tuguegarao City.

This one big cauldron slowly boils tough pabo (turkey) meat, in Tuguegarao City.

Trepilia (pork intestines) adobo cooking, in Paras, Candon City (Ilocos Sur).

Pinapaitan a nuang (carabeef bitter stew) simmering, in Libertad, Abuluig, Cagayan.

Pork adobo simmering and pork chops grilling, in Libertad, Abulug, Cagayan.

Rice cooking, in Tamboli, Allacapan, Cagayan.


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