

marunggay solo dinengdeng

Dinengdeng a solsolo a marunggay.
Marunggay, its leaves (and all its edibleness, fruit, and flowers), is simply my favorite leafy veggie, not just because of its richness in nutritive or mineral value, but because of its simplicity and versatility as a truly Ilokano vegetable, just like saluyot. I can make in it a quick salad express when I'm in a hurry for a meal, especially when I'm hungry for a kilabban.

And I can make it into a solo dinengdeng wonder, which is I prefer most as I love to slowly savor its delicious soup, sipping it right direct from the viand bowl the Ilokano way, or having its broth right into my steamed rice, still, the Ilokano way:

Freshly picked marunggay leaves from the marunggay plant infront of the house.

Wash the stalks and pick out the leaves.

Boil some water, bugguong juice, crushed garlic, some onions. In the boiling broth, put in the marunggay leaves.

Cook the marunggay leaves quickly, just blacnhed it with boiling broth. When I cook this way, I don't cover the pot anymore, to see that it's done quickly. Do not overcook, ever. Put off fire immediate when cooked crisp and green.

Transfer the cooked marunggay leaves into a bowl. Serve hot to enjoy the tasty soup.

My humble dinner: dinengdeng a marunggay, pako salad (raw), steamed rice. That's it, that's all. I can live everyday with it.



  1. Dimi ik-ikkan iti bawang diay dinengdengmi. Sakam la agusar iti bawang no daydiay igisami ti baboy ken ania man a magisa. Nakitak kasla kompleto a libron dagitoy recipesmo

  2. wen ngarud awan ti bawang na ti dinengdeng or inabraw sibuyas pwde rin pero konti lang
