

more pinakbet... from ilokanos around the web

Pinakbet once more, because we can't just get enough of pinakbet, we always want for more, and more. So here are some from Ilokanos around and on the web. These are various pinakbets but authentic Ilokano pinakbet because these were prepared by Ilokano (except the last photo, which can be conveniently labeled as "pakbet-tagalog" because it has karabasa and bugguong-aramang is used instead of bugguong a lames).


Pinakbet with shrimps, from Hawaii, courtesy of Jonathan Torricer.
(click on photo for a larger view)

Photo by Twinnie Jap Herasio.
(click on photo for a larger view)

Pinakbet in San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Photo by Derick Yabes.
(click on photo for a larger view)

Pinakbet in Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte.
(click on photo for a larger view)

Pinakbet with tinuno a palileng. Photo by Mary Jane Tordil.
(click on photo for a larger view)

Photo by Maureen Veenstra.
(click on photo for a larger view)

Photo by Noel Viernes.
(click on photo for a larger view)

Pakbet-Tagalog, photo by Noel Viernes. 
(click on photo for a larger view)


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