

kilawen a sosay (tanigue, tangngigue), king fish ceviche

Sosay it is, as it is called in the Ilocos, and one of the many monickers of tanigue or tangngigue or king fish, which, aside for being made into a savory sinigang, is most preferred into a tasty and spicy kilawen, a kind of an Ilokano sashimi.

In an Ilocos trip, on a rather obligatory stop over in Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte, we chanced upon large chunks of prime sosay meat among gangs of yellow fin tunas and bonitos. We didn't pass on the rare chance.

Preparing the kilawen is the easiest and simplest, cut the sosay and dice it into bite size:

Then season/spice it with kalamansi, ginger, onions:

And there you have it, kilawen a sosay ready, here with suka ti basi ti naartem a sili:

Get your brandy or cold beer ready!


More kilawen nga ikan:

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