

a hearty ilokano lunch by the seaside in ilocos sur

I've just came from a meeting of minds with some Ilokano writers, but what I can't help thinking about, or should I say craving about is the sumptuous lunch served during the meet up. Of course this is Ilocos Sur, right by the heart of the Ilokano country in the town of San Juan (a.k.a. Lapog) and right by a seaside barangay called Saoang.

This is my labay, pardon my gluttony:

And this is Saoang beach, the tide is low that time and so the breeze is kind of exotic, as it is strongly flavored with the scent of salt and reef: 

Dinengdeng nga utong ken pallang with rabok (gabi root):

A salad of radish fruit and KBL (tomato, bugguong, young onions):

An igado version of San Juan folks:

Pinakbet with lots of patani:

Fried malaga:

Steamed ipon:

What we feasted on:

Still burping...