

dinengdeng once more, because one can live in dinengdeng alone

And here we come again, and what else but to indulge yet again on dinengdengs, I can't help it, really! This is sweet indulgence, and if this is some kind of an addiction, I'm a willing victim, I oblige, me, a bugguong lover.

And here are more of the recent beloved dinengdengs that I lovingly made and faithfully enjoyed:

Pallang, tarong, marunggay, with grilled fish.
(Click on photo for a larger view)

This really is a medley! You have there a unique black utong (string beans), patani (lima/broad beans), kardis (kadios, pigeon pea), and kalunay (local spinach or amaranth). 
(Click on photo for a larger view)

Utong, patani, kardis, marunggay leaves, with grilled bangus.
(Click on photo for a larger view)

Utong, okra, singkamas (jicama) fruit, with grilled fish. Photo from Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte FB Page.
(Click on photo for a larger view)

Utong, kabatiti, with clams. Photo by Leilanie Adriano
(Click on photo for a larger view)

Alukon flowerettes, with dried fish.
(Click on photo for a larger view)

Aba (gabi, taro) stalks, leaves and root stewed with lots of crushed ginger to make it spicier. I added a little cane vinegar to sour it. If available, use fresh young tamarind fruit, or green mango, or pias (kamias).
(Click on photo for a larger view)



  1. Yummy Pinakbet! My Fave! Appreciate you posting, great blog. Please keep writing

    1. nagimassen kabsat. subukem tay rabong ken saluyot, sagpawwam ti tinunu nga uko ken ipus ti bangus.
