

kilawen a taburkit, raw anchovy ceviche

It's Lenten season and so time for some fish. No meat for the week. Fish be with you, fish be with us! And so why not try a fish kilawen? Like taburkit. Or taburtit. Not really exotic because this is not rare fish. It's always available. It's monamon or dilis. Our local anchovy. But taburkit is a different fish from the same anchovy family. It's smaller and more tender which is just suitable and perfect for kilawen or ceviche. Taburkit is aplenty these times of the year along the northwestern coast of Cagayan (Ballesteros, Abulug, Pamplona, Sanchez Mira, Claveria). It is prized as a kilawen and is more preferred than the other bigger and "hard fish boned" monamon.

Taburkit for sale in the public market of Allacapan, Cagayan.

Because it's smaller and its flesh and bone is more tender and succulent, it can be prepared as is, washed and rinsed thoroughly, you don't have to remove its head and entrails because it's tiny you can eat it all and its entrails provide a mild sweetish bitterness that adds to its tastiness; garnish with lots of sliced onions and diced ginger, some salt, and dress it with calamansi. Add in chili for a more spicy treat.

Perfect for pulotan,if you happen to drink liquor this Holy Week ;-)

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